--> Glynis's Homepage

Glynis's Homepage

"Life is a performance for which I had no chance to rehearse"

Glynis's main hobby is amateur dramatics and her web space is used to promote this hobby.

Recent News:

June 2024

Glynis is resting between activities. (apart from volunteering at Greenway, taking Alpaca walking trips with WI, and going to meals, events with the Riviera Red Hats and a weekend trip to Cornwall).

February 2024

front cover of playbook

Panto finished, Glynis survived, despite a dreadful cold, and her next project was as Co-Producer for the TOADS production of Confusions which was performed at The Little Theatre from 8th to 13th April 2024.

pictures from pantomime

January 2024

Now Cranford is finished Glynis is concentrating on the Marldon Pantomime ("Oh yes she is!" ) which will be performed in the Village hall between Wednesday 24th January and Saturday 27th January. Tickets available from Marldon Cards and News Shop.

December 2023

Appearing in Cranford at Christmas, photo by Brian Tilley.

October 2023

Glynis has now been given the part of "The Cook" in Marldon Pantomime Group's forthcoming production of Alice in Wonderland, to be performed in Marldon Village Hall in January 2024. (This is in addition to Cranford at Christmas in December 2023)

August 2023

Well This was a busy month, with rehearsals almost every night in the week preceding the play, followed by a two week run of performances with a total of 13 performances including a matinee and evening performance on final day. And to follow that - well a brief rest, but now in the cast of Cranford at Christmas at TOADS little Theatre.

Bob is currently contructing a new website which is available here.

Glynis's dramatic life:-

Glynis has been a member of the following drama groups:

Glynis would be interested in taking up Acting, Film Extra or Voiceover work, within reasonable travelling distance of Paignton, Devon. If you can offer such work please contact Glynis by email.

Email address is [email protected]

Glynis likes tigers and has adopted one.

Here is our current cat, Morgan (a family name - named after Glynis's great Grandfather Morgan Morgan). Here's an early picture of Morgan taken in August 2004:-

I would like to thank Carly from the Energy Comparison Company Selectra for advising me that the WWF link I was using was incorrect, I have now corrected it.

    WWF Supporter

Cats Protection charity                      Felix Catfood Site

Past Life.

Before moving to Devon, Glynis was involved in a large number of Duston Players productions in Northampton.

Early in 2005 she was in the thriller "The price to pay" in which she played the part of Carol, seen herebeing threatened by a kidnapper.

In November 2005 Glynis appeared in Blackadder " taking two parts:

"The Wise Woman"

who Blackadder turned to
for advice
when he fell in love with "Bob"

"Lady Whiteadder"

from whom Blackadder
was hoping to get an inheritance

Some of the other parts played by Glynis include:-
the American widow, 'Mildred' in 'The Cemetary Club, 'Helga in 'Allo Allo'
Mrs Smith in 'Run for your Wife', 'A Baddie' in a pantomime, A Spirit in 'Ladies of Spirit'

Mildred Helga      

Glynis has been Producer for a number of Duston Players productions, including Are You Being Served, Little Women and Baggy.

Many of the following photographs from TOADS and TOADS Stage Musical Productions are the copyright of Brian Tilley, a freelance photographer and TOADS member.


Glynis (Mrs Yardley) checks out of Fawlty Towers.(TOADS)


Glynis (Mrs Waring) studying the menu for dinner at Fawlty Towers


Glynis as she appeared in Katherine Howard. (TOADS)


Publicity photo for Robinson Crusoe. (SADS)


Glynis as Katherine Jekyll. (SADS)


Glynis with her "Children" (SADS)

More of Glynis's dramatic performances can be seen in her gallery click here to view


The SADS and the TOADS are Amateur Drama Groups in Torquay,
does Musicals (as the name suggests). If you are interested in joining or would like to find out more about them then visit their web sites for more details.

The Duston Players are an Amateur Drama Group in Northampton, if you are interested in joining or would like to find out more about them, please contact them by email.


If you have a general interest in amateur theatre click here to find the amateur theatre network homepage which lists groups and productions from all around the UK.


This page was last updated on 13th Jun 2024


Page produced by  Bob Tame using AOLPRESS, Microsoft Frontpage Express and Cute HTML.

Animated cat from the animation factory

Welsh Flag from the Gwent Family History Society page.

Background image: Dylan, our late cat, photograph and digital editing by Bob Tame.