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The REMO Players | ![]() |
This website has been created by Bob Tame. The construction of the site was started in 2003 and gets updated when I receive new information and am not working on my other sites. I was a member from 1969 to 1979 so most of this page is related to that period.
The REMO ( Railway Executive Managers Office) players were a Wolverhampton Based Amateur Dramatic Society, founded in 1948 and affilliated to the Wolverhampton and District Drama Federation.
You can email Bob at or visit my
other Websites at www.tameclan.me.uk
I was recruited as a REMO member by Walter
Jones, having been involved with the St Peters Church Players which he led.
If any ex Members have any pictures or memories they want to share or
see displayed, please send me copies.
In 1993 the group merged with the Phoenix Players to become The REMO - Phoenix Players. The new name doesn't really flow off the tongue but survived an attempt to change it again at an EGM in 1993.
I heard this month from a Martin Sharratt, to advise that his mother Gill Sharratt (Gill Banister) was a member of the REMO Players in the 1950's, who has sadly died recently aged 90. She wasn't on my list of early REMO players so I have now added her, with details of one of the productions she was in.
Some bad news, I'm afraid. I have been advised by Laurence Foster that former member Dave Mobley passed away on Saturday 1st October after a short illness.
He had been suffering from emphysema for some years but lately had a series of falls and contracted pneumonia.
R.I.P. Dave. In addition to being a member of the REMO players Dave also took a number of roles on TV, and some pictures of
him in these Roles can be seen here
Dave's Funeral Service was held on 16th November 2022 and the link below is to a film shown at the service, with Dave in a
number of roles, including TV shows such as Doctors, Doctor Who, The Bill, Coronation Street and a few others.
Film made for funeral service
I have heard from Steve Kirby, who joined the players when I was there and was still with them when I left in 1979. Steve has advised me of two more of the plays that the group did in the 1980's which I will add to the list. "Billy Liar" and the "Diary of Anne Frank" were the plays. Steve played 'Billy' in Billy Liar and won the Wolverhampton Drama Federation best actor award, no mean feat when so many plays were adjudicated for the federation each year. He was also nominated for his portrayal of 'Otto' (Anne's Father) in the other play, but didn't win this time. Well done Steve and thanks for the information.
Matt Jeavons emailed, telling me he is the son of Pat Jeavons, nee Cohen who joined REMO from St Peters Drama group at about the same time as I did. He was asking what plays Pat had been involved in, but I can only find her listed in the cast of the 1972 and 1973 Pantomimes. If you know of any more plays she was involved with please let me know. Meanwhile I have send him a higher resolution copy of the picture of Pat which is on the Players page of this website
For Matt I found out this picture taken at 1966 or 67 St Peters Drama Group Christmas Party, showing Walter Jones, Barbara Goodwin, Glynis Evans (now Tame) Myself (Bob Tame), an unknown friend of Glynis, and in the red dress, Pat Cohen.
On the front Row, Elaine Hill (later Brindley) her boyfriend at the time (Clive?) and Rose Tame, the only one of my three sisters not to get involved with any REMO productions.
Walter, Barbara, Glynis, Myself, Pat and Elaine were all members of REMO at some time.
Photo by me.
Peter Hall has sent me some information on the plays produced in the 1980's and early 1990's which I have now added on the 'Plays' page of this site.
Photo by Doug Cresswell.
I regret to say I have more sad news, this time about a former member, Janet Hall, nee Lavender, who joined the group while I was there.
Her husband, Peter Hall, has found this page and has recently emailed me. He moved in with Janet in the late 1980s and they married in 1992. They were involved with several REMO productions, like "Underground", "Fur coat and no knickers", "Children's day" and "Abigail's Party" to name a few and he says he loved it.
He also told me that Jan appeared on TV in The Brothers, Angels and Play for today, She was unable to get an equity card at the time otherwise her life might have been quite different.
They left REMO around 1995 and retired in 1999 to the Isle of Mull in Scotland.
He says "We have been extremely happy here, but I lost Jan in September last year. I was devastated and still am. I am in touch still with Will and Chris Morgan and Steve and Jane Kirby."
He says they became avid birdwatchers after leaving REMO and he is now a wildlife tour operator on Mull.
Sorry not to have any updates for a while but I have not heard from any REMO players for a while, apart from Dave Mobley who still keeps in touch from time to time.
Just to prove I'm still here, I found this picture when tidying under the bed the other day, Glynis and the late Tony Pettit at rehearsals for Separate Tables.
>Sad and unexpected news from Paul Davies that his wife Janet passed away in her sleep on Thursday 14th December 2017, aged just 66 years. Both Paul and Janet were active members of REMO for many years, from the early 1970's right up to the millenium.
Janet's Funeral Service is to be held at Bushbury Crematorium, East Chapel on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 2.30pm. Family flowers only please. Donations, if desired, made payable to Cats Protection. No formal clothes required.
Enquiries to CO-OPERATIVE FUNERALCARE, Stone Cross, Penkridge. 01785 712245.
On Christmas Eve 2017 on BBC4 a program entitled, The Signalman was repeated on BBC, Dave Mobley was in the cast of this program.
I have had copies of the 'Boeing Boeing' and 'Rain' programs from Linda Cotterill and have updated
those pages accordingly.
Sadly I also heard from the family of Liz (Linda) Sadler, who was in these two plays, that she passed away
in March 2011. Dave Mobley advised me of the sad news that his wife Doris was diagnosed in February 2017
with Pancreatic Cancer. By the time this was diagnosed it had spread to her liver and lungs rendering it untreatable.
Doris was taken into New Cross Hospital on Good Friday, 14th April 2017 and passed away
just 4 days later on Tuesday 18th April. Doris and David had been happily married for 57 years.May 2017
Doris's funeral was on Monday May 8th, first at Stafford Crematorium at 10am and then at St Chads Church in Chadsmoor for an 11am memorial service.
Having become friends on Facebook with Will and Chris Morgan, I see that Will is still busy entertaining, with a group known as the 'Elderly Brothers' as well as frequent appearances at Brewood Folk Club.
Updates from earlier this year regarding Dave Mobley and Lawrence Foster:
Laurence Foster reports "Just heard that I got the small part of Sir Denys Mallister (a senior Baron) in Game of Thrones.
He features strongly in one of the books' original chapters, but is periferal in this adaptation.
One week stay in Belfast for two days shooting. Took four auditions to get that.
He continues "I have had two days on Vikings so far, including two scenes with Roman Polanski's daughter, Morgane.
The filming is extremely intense, when there are extras involved, and when they are, there are 150 of them!
Yesterday morning was more enjoyable - just the King and me and the General Odo (before the extras arrived.)
I have two more scenes next Friday with Travis Femmel (big Hollywood star, seemingly) and then in October
I have two very dramatic scenes. Most of my lines are in old Latin and Old French, so quite difficult to learn.
I also finished off an independent horror movie, last week, as a Detective Inspector- two nice long scenes so
will be happy with all that for the foreseeable.
Dave Mobley has been in two episodes of 'Doctors' on the BBC this year, and in a program entitled
'Marvellous' which was on BBC2, based on the true story of Neil Baldwin, a character from Stoke on Trent who had
learning difficulties but overcame them with positive thinking.
May 20th 2014
Update from Dave Mobley: I have just returned from Tony`s funeral at Albrighton.
I picked up Gudge (Mike Neil) and Bob Dalton, and Will Morgan and his wife joined us at the church.
Surprisingly it was a very joyful occasion with quite a few laughs as Tony`s sons and daughters
all stood up to share with us their memories of Tony as both a father and a husband.
His older daughter read out to us excerpts from letters that Tony wrote to his wife to be
shortly before their wedding and they were very moving.
I think that we all learned things about Tony that we never knew, I know that I certainly did.
We all gathered at a local pub for food and drink and lots of conversation, it has been a day to remember.
I can only add: Rest in Peace, Tony Pettet, 1928-2014
May 12th 2014
Paul Davies and my Sister Dorothy both advised me of
sad news in the Express and Star newspaper last Friday, announcing the death of Tony Pettet.
He died on the 5th May and his funeral is on the 20th May at a church in
Donnington, Albrighton.
Paul and Janet, and Will and Chris Morgan had kept in touch but had not heard from him in the
past couple of years. They used to get Christmas cards, but were not sure where he has been living recently.
We do not know if he moved to a care home in the Albrighton area or he was living with one
of his children prior to his death. RIP Tony Pettet
September 2013
I remember Linda Cotterill having a good singing voice and being involved with Bilston
Operatic group as well as REMO, I believe this is her in the Photo at the end of the link.
Click here to see Bilston Operatic Group at the Grand Theatre
May 2013
At the concert raising Funds for the Air Ambulance, Glynis and I meet up with Jon Tame and Will Morgan,
two ex-members of REMO. We had not seen Will since 1979, so it was good to see he is still
in the entertainment business
(see video at Youtube )
Also in the Picture are my Sisters, Dorothy, also ex Remo, and Rose, who didn't join REMO
but was the person who introduced us to St Peters Group players from where we were recruited to REMO.
April 2013
Jon Tame and Will Morgan, two ex-members of REMO, are appearing in a concert next month
fund raising for The West Midlands Air Ambulance, which was used to take Jon's wife Sue to Hospital after she sustained
severe injuries after being hit by a car. Sue is now slowly recovering, but would probably not be here today
were it not for the Air Ambulance.
July 2012
in July 2012 Glynis and I met up with Dave Mobley and his wife Doris,
also there was my Sister Mary and her husband.
Dave, Mary, Glynis and Myself were all in the 1972 REMO Production of Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood.
May 2012
I note that Ex REMO player Will Morgan
is playing at Brewood Music Festival
on the same day as the Manfreds.
Ex REMO Player Dave Mobley is embarking on a holiday that involves Trains (to Venice),
Boats (Venice to Corfu and back)
and planes, back to UK. We hope he has a good trip.
November 2011
I recently received an email from an ex REMO player, Terry
Saunders Fern, which I have reproduced below.
Hi Bob I recently typed my name into ‘Google’ just to make sure that I
hadn’t passed away and came across your ‘Remo player’ site. Must admit I was
quite taken aback to see a picture of myself which must have been taken when I
was about 15/16. My name is Terry Saunders-Fern and I spent many happy years
with the Remo players in the early sixties. Your web site bought back very happy
memories of those halcyon days. I was introduced to the society by my mother
Hazel (who sadly passed away some 5 years ago) and worked for British rail in
those days. I was taught to play table tennis by Ron Wilcocks and Laurie Foster
and I used to do a very accurate impersonation of Walter Jones shouting ‘When
you’ve finished with your cups take them back to the tea bar’ I seem to recall
that Laurie and I also used to do a double act of Pete and Dud in the Sir Tatton
and Sykes after rehearsals. Another former member, Jim Bodley and myself took
ourselves off and hitch-hiked across France and Spain for a few months in the
early sixties. I believe Jim later went on to Israel. On my return to the UK I
went to work at Butlins in Skegness and made my career with the company
eventually moving to Bognor Regis head office where I remained until 2001. I
have now retired and live in Nottinghamshire near Retford. It was such a
wonderful trip down memory lane to see all those pictures of the wonderful
people from my past especially the lovely Jackie Humphrey, Pat Cooper and Janet
Moulton. And who could ever forget the vivacious Pat Hancock. I think your
unidentified photo number 22 is that of Lawrence Swain. I hope you will publish
this on the web site and I would love to hear from any old friends from those
days. My email is: I have attached a more recent photo just to show that I have not changed one
jot! Regards T J W Saunders-Fern May 2011 Charles Dickens published a series of articles on Dublin in
1853 in his magazine 'Household Words'. Here, former REMO player and renowned
theatre actor Laurence Foster brings alive an article on The Coombe in a
Dickensian style (based on Dicken's performance style). Click here to view it.
December 2010
I have added details of the 1976 Play - "Rumpelstiltskin",
with photos from Doug Cresswell. Check it out via The Plays button above.
November 2010
As a result of an email from Paul Davies, I have added
details of the 1979 Play - "The man most likely to". check it out via The
Plays button above.
September 2010
I have started to rebuild the site to include more details
on individual plays which will include cast and crew and photos where possible,
while I am doing this some links may ocassionally fail or lead to incomplete
pages. Please advise if you have any problems accessing or viewing these pages.
August 2010
I have receved another collection of Photographs which I
will be adding to the page when I have the time. I may have to change the layout
slightly to accommodate them all, so please be patient, as I am going on holiday
May 31 2010
I was really pleased to greet Kate Parton (Kate Powell) and
husband Dave, after 31 years since we last saw them when they called at our
house in Paignton today.
May 2010 I have put a page of photos of REMO players that I don't
know (or can't remember) on the site. If anyone can help to ID them then please
email me.
I still have quite a few photos of plays to sort out and I
may get more soon from another ex member. March 2010 Dave Mobley sent me a whole box of Photos, to be sorted.
There are quite a few un-identified persons which I have put on the site anyway,
so if anyone can help please email me. The players list now includes photos for
a lot of the players, apologies for the gaps. January 2010
Dave Mobley un-earthed a Photo from Robin Hood, which I am
on. I have added it in the list of plays below. December 2009
December 15th 2009 .... Today would have been the
60th Birthday of ex REMO Player Elaine Brindley (nee Hill), had she not died in
1998 at the early age of 49 after contracting breast cancer. RIP Elaine, a good
friend. Linda Croston (Cotterill) tells me that she is in "Red
Riding Hood" at the Lace Market Theatre in Nottingham this week, click here for more details. I have an update from Dave Mobley, who says "As for
myself I am still slogging away.I may have told you that I did a day on "Hustle"
on the 11th September last, starring Napoleon Solo himself Mr Robert Vaughan. I
thought at the time how nice it was for him to meet me in the flesh. Then on
19th of November I did another little cameo as a Nosy Neighbour and as a Taxi
Driver in "Doctors" for the BBC. It`s not much but every little helps and I have
just asked my agent to put me forward for a days extra work in a Supermarket
Commercial somewhere in Brum on the 14th this month." November 2009
Jayne Hepworth has updated me on herself and Alan from
Australia as follows quick points: 1) Alan retired last Xmas (600 made redundant, including Alan, but
brilliant timing for him, as was retiring anyway; moved manufacturing to Dalian
in China) but, worked 3 months in Thailand (May-July)for old E/r(Goodyear), and
leaving for China shortly for a few weeks work. I visit at the end for a
holiday! 2) Both just returned from tour holiday of Rajasthan in India - 21 days
;totally amazing but very full-on and tiring. 3) Prior to India, our new apartment finally finished in an Old Factory (a
big project of appts and town houses)in the inner city. In process of moving
there, but keeping our tiny flat/with garden, in Williamstown, for our "holiday
home" (as it's so pretty here; only 15 km from city, with beach etc. 4) Alan hopes to play lots of golf after return from China. 5) Coming over to UK for about 3 months @ end April next year - hope go
Europe etc. Hope to catch up with some "old" Remo players. (yes Jayne - we're
all getting older) 6) I now work 2 days week (keeps brain active) and write poems (sometimes
perform them)and stories; sing in Willin Wimin, and hope to return to drawing
and painting. October 2009
Added this month, Publicity Picture for
Pygmalion. September 2009
I have had contact this month from Julie Maurice, she was
Julie Rollason when she joined REMO. Julie has press cuttings and photos from
Sleeping Beauty and Pygmalion, a Rule book (I particulary liked rule 11, I think
it adds professionalism to performances by amateur groups.), and a few memories
of other plays and players which I have started to incorporate in the site.
Thanks for sharing them with us, Julie. Cast list for 'Flat Spin' (1976) and Sleeping Beauty (1973)
have been added to Site Remo Rule book (supplied by Julie Maurice - nee Rollason)
Click on the cover for details: I have also heard from Dave Mobley, he has been to Dublin to
see Laurence Foster performing his 'Dickens in Dublin' Show. It was the first
time in over forty years that these two ex-REMO members had met. August 2009
Linda Croston contacted me with the sad news that her Mother
Floss Cotterill has died after an operation following a fall at her retirement
home. Floss was a valued member of REMO for a number of years, appearing on
Stage in the Award Winning play "Rain" and also in "Pygmalion". Floss was also
our resident teamaker. Our condolences to Linda. June 2009 Linda Croston (nee Cotterill) has been in a recent musical
show in Nottingham entitled Mod Crop Click here for
details June Mcmullen, nee Lowe contacted me to advise she was in
Little Women in 1970, but did not stay with REMO very long. December 2008
Dave Mobley returns to BBC TV, appearing in an Episode of
the Doctors set in an old peoples home, where he is attempting to escape from
the home. November 2008
I sent an old photo of Paul Davies to him and in return I
got a few from the 2006 reunion mentioned below. Click here
for details. October 2008
Dave Mobley advises me that, after a long break, he has
recently returned to acting for the BBC and will soon be seen in an episode of
Doctors. (and is available for other work, email me if you wish to contact Dave)
Glynis appeared in a performance of '1984' in October 2008
and 'Katherine Howard' in December 2008 and has been involved backstage with a
number of plays this year. Click here
for details. Will Morgan appears to be still performing in Folk Venues,
getting rave reviews for recent performances of Jake Thakray songs which may be
released on a CD in the new year. July 2008 I have now moved to Paignton and the web site which was off
line during the move, is now back. If anyone has any pictures that could be
added to the site then please send them to me. December
2007 A few more pictures supplied by Dave Mobley and Laurence
Foster added below. November
2006 Recently found - a rare autographed program from the 1972
production of Robin Hood. Click on the cover for details: September
2006 Email below was received from Jayne Hepworth, who some of
you will remember:- Update Nov 2008 - Paul
Davies has sent a few pictures from the reunion meeting, Click here to view them Neither of us do any
theatre work any more (not for many years), but I (Jayne) sing in "Willin
Wimmin" a-cappella choir (blues, spiritual, folk, activist - around the
world), which is great fun, and my little bit of performance art. Our son,
Ben, born in Luxembourg, is now 25, and he loved drama at school. As a
child, his favourite photo of Alan was as the king in
Rumpelstiltskin (back in the later 70's!). November 2005 - Dave Mobley has send a bunch of Photos which
I have started to add as I scan them in. October 2005 - Added a few new photos, started list of Plays
I was involved with. May 2005 - Dave Mobley contacted me, he's still in
occasional contact with 'Gudge' and reminded me of Jackie's correct name. Theres
a picture of Dave in an article about "The Incredible Robert Baldick" a BBC TV
program he was in with Robert Hardy at this
site Article is at http://www.the-mausoleum-club.org.uk/Index/Gazette/Incredible%20Robert%20Baldick.pdf Cast List for "The incredible Robert
Baldick." filmed on and around the Severn Valley Railway Click
here to see some of Dave's other TV work.
April 2005 - Contact from Laurence Foster, Member from 1960
to 1966, has been head of Drama for Irish National Radio Station, RTE for a
while since then, and is still a professional actor/director. Nov 2004 - If anyone knows the whereabouts of Doug
Cresswell, an old friend of his, called Jeff, would like to contact him.
Sept 2004 - Alan Hepworth emailed from Australia to remind
me to add his wife Jayne to the members list. I don't know how I left her off as
I had photos of her in REMO Plays. In addition to two or three plays per year or the occasional
Pantomime they would have social events and outings. After rehearsals many of the players would retire to the
local pub (The Sir Tatton Sykes) for a nightcap before going home. In the 80's they merged with Phoenix Players to become
REMO-Phoenix players. It is my intention to try and add a few names and pictures
below as soon as time permits. this will be from when I was involved between
1969 (Picnic) and 1979. Break in Reheasals Janet Moulton, Jonathan Bradford, Walter
Jones and Mike Neil are on here. The Importance of
being Ernest Jan Lavender, Iris Wilcocks, Mike Neil
and Jayne Hepworth Watch this space
for Pictures. Apologies for the poor quality, but they are taken from my 30 year
old Colour transparencies. Flat Spin (Spring 1976), Pictured
are Tony Pettit, Will Morgan, Jayne Smith and Mike Neal Scene from 'When we are
married' A few of the members pose for a
picture on a day trip to Wales Dave Mobley, Norman Bishop, Val,
Mary Doughty, Janet Moulton, Ron Wilcocks, Dorothy Tame (my sister), Kate,
Glynis. Will Morgan and Jayne Smith
(Hepworth) in a Scene from 'The Italian Girl' Remo Players with the Trophy presented by
Wolverhampton and District Drama Federation for the "Best Set" Award,
unfortunately it is being held upside down! Remo Players "Happiest days of your
life" Laurence Foster in 1965 Our plays were adjudicated by Mr Steele, a
former teacher at the WMGS, click here for more info. In 1977 Mr Roy Steel - former Adjudicator for the
Wolverhampton and District Drama Federation became our president.
End of Page (Page updated 24th November 2022)
Dave, Kate, Glynis and Bob in Paignton 2010
Kate, Dave, Glynis and Bob in Paignton 2010
Glynis and Dave 1970's
Kate and Bob 1970's Party
After doing some readings as Dickens for Walt Disney
Studios, Lawrence Foster made an appearance (as Charles Dickens) at the
opening of the new Disney Film, "Christmas Carol", in
Laurence Foster during his one man show
Dave Mobley and his wife meet Laurence after the
Dear Bob
We were extremely
sad and sorry to hear about Iris's death - it has brought up a lot of
lovely old memories of good times past, when Alan and I were in Remo - but
left to live in Luxembourg back in 1978, and then Sydney Australia in 1985
- moving to Melbourne in 1990.
Iris and Ron were almost surrogate
parents to me when I joined Remo when I was 22 and very "green". When I
married Alan (1974) it was "marry me, marry my drama group" - so he joined
the "family" as a lighting technician, and then trod the boards -
culminating in playing "Counselor Helliwell". My most inglorious moment
was almost being dropped by Dougie Cresswell, as Heathcliff, when he
had to stagger up the stairs with "Catherine" in Wuthering Heights -
was he ever the same again, I wonder??
We will, all being well, be
in UK in December 2006, and intend to be around Wolverhampton area
(staying at Wightwick with my sister) from around 19th Dec until we leave
on 29th Dec (my mother is still "going strong" - to be 96 in January - she
always loved seeing the plays). Janet Moulton is going to try and arrange
a get-together for those interested, which would be great. The REMO players rehearsed at a number of venues, one being the old
railway goods depot on the Wednesfield Road now demolished to make way for the
Royal Mail building.
produced by Norman
Glynis Tame (nee Evans)in "Separate Tables"
Liz, Floss and Glynis are the natives, in
And in his one man show "Dickens in Dublin" in