Bob Tame's unofficial web site for:
Wolverhampton Municipal Grammar School |
December 3rd 2015
I received an email recently from Libby who was trying to find out about the
school years of her uncle, William John White. Born in 1913 he was at Municipal Secondary School (as it was then known)
from around 1923 to 1928. He died in 1942 in a plane crash over the Gulf of Mexico. He had joined the Commonwealth
Air Training Plan based in Canada in 1942. Libby is gradually gaining information from the USA, Canadian and UK Defence
Forces about this segment of his life. What she was hoping was to gain is something about his early
schooling and wonders if anyone can help. I have told her of the information in the book "The School by the park" but
there is nothing specific about her uncle in there. Wolverhampton Archives records do not seem to go back that far.
Should anyone know anything about this person please contact me.
His parents Phoebe and Victor White had moved to Tipton at the time of his death.
The request reminded me that there was a Roll of Honour in the main hall at one time that
contained the names of any
WMGS pupils or Staff who were killed in World War Two.
A transcript of the Roll of Honour can be found online at:-
Click Here
October 19th 2015
I received this email, does anyone know Anthony Hartley?
Hi Bob,
I didn't go to the Muni but my brother (whom I never met) did, he would have started in 1956 I think, his name was Anthony Hartley. I would love to hear from anyone who remembered him.
Abi Turner
I have since discovered that John Anthony Hartley was at the school from 1956 but died after contracting
Pneumonia in 1962. Abi wasn't born until 1964, which is why she never met him. September 20th 2015
I received an email today from Michael Leach, who tells me he started
at Muni in 1966. I remember from my days at the Muni that our careers adviser was advising us all to do 'A' levels
then go to University for three years, then find a nice steady job as a bank manager or a teacher or a civil servant.
Michael Leach ignored all this info and decided he would like to be a wildlife photographer. His website
Michael Leach, Wildlife Photographer will tell you of
his success at this 'different' career path. I'd be interested to hear from other pupils who have succeeded in different careers
since leaving school.
May 5th 2015
I have received this email, can anybody help
Hello there Bob .... I'm writing this after looking at your website re Wolverhampton Grammar School.
I notice mention of Barbara Hill, teacher of English, History, & Deputy Headmistress.
I am currently writing our Hill family history and would like to get in touch with the children of Bertram & Barbara Hill.
[Bertram was my father's cousin. Bertram Hill had also been a deputy Headmaster, thought I don't know at which school,
and he died 1984.
Bertram & Barbara Hill lived in Danescourt Road, Tettenhall.]
Barbara Hill's full name was Barbara Iolen Hill (nee Jones); she died in 1999.
In 1991 Barbara Iolen Hill was awarded MBE,
listed as "lately Vice-chairman, Wolverhampton Health Authority".
Yes, this email question to you is a very long shot.
Your website says that you have only a vague recollection of teacher Barbara Hill
but I wondered if you happen to know anyone who might know the names and whereabouts of any of Barbara Hill's children ? ?
If so, I'd like to send them a message to get in touch, to share what we know of Hill family history.
(I've a photo of our great grandfather Major William Hill, for example. I also have a photo of their father
Bertram Hill as a young child, taken with my father in the early 1920s.] (Update - I was successful with the help of Muni ex pupils
in putting the writer in touch with Barbara Hill's son, who was very pleased to get this family history. )
September 2nd 2014
The old school
is now known as the Newhampton Arts Centre and various events take place there throughout the year.
Click here to see the September 2014 list of events
August 15th 2014
Former Pupil Helen Roberts sadly died recently and an obituary was posted in
the Guardian Newspaper.
Click here to see Obituary
March 27th 2014
Below is an extract from a recent email from ex Muni pupil Bob Draper(1953-60)
Do any of our older visitors remember him?:-
Dear Bob,
My name is Bob Draper and I was one of the 1953 intake at the WMGS. I left in 1960 with
8 O-levels and a couple of A- levels and started full time work at Midland Tar Distillers
and a part time course in Chemical Engineering at the college which is now called Aston University.
I qualified after 4 years of hard work and then took up a post of Chemical Engineer at QVF a glass
company based in Stoke on Trent. This was a good time but the outcome was that I lost contact with
most of my school friends, the big exception being a lady from the 1955 intake called Shirley O'Reilly
who I married. In my working life I travelled around the UK and Ireland and visited most European
countries, America, Canada and Pakistan. I met many many interesting people over the years but again
lost contact with them and forgot their names as retirement approached. But I still remember many of
my school friends. I now have free time to research the past and where possible make contact with old
friends. My male friends are not a problem as their names are unchanged and they can be found via the
internet. The ladies are more difficult as they will now have married names. I am using some of my wifes
contacts to see if they have information.
If anyone remembers Bob and wants to get in touch, then email me and I'll pass it on.
Jan 22nd 2014 The School is still in use but is now
Newhampton Arts Centre
Jan 22nd 2014 The
AGM of the Old Pupils Association will be held on April 27th 2014 - I will add further details when I know them. March 21st 2013 The
Facebook group continues to grow, around 130 members now. Feb 7th 2013
A recent email from ex Muni Pupil David Finch (1954-61)
Do any of our older visitors remember him?:-
Hello Bob.
I was at the Muni from 1954 through 1961. Rapidly edging closer to the magic 70 I recently
visited the friends reunited and other sites to see if anyone is still around from my day
and your name came up. I have so many memories of times and escapades, some probably clouded
a little with time but what memories. I left in 1961 with 2 A levels having failed maths by a
couple of % and had do further ed at the Tech and Foundry College. Finished up as Chairman and
MD of my heat treatment company in Willenhall till retirement in 2005 [ 2006 finally]. Had a ball
since and still going at it. Some of the photos of the school bought back a lot of memories. My year
group included, Rob Bracey, Terry Andrews, David Baker, Betty Liptrott, Dianne davies, Margaret Morgan
etc. Hope they all went on and had as good a life as I did.
Enough waffle, My kindest regards, David Finch. Nickname, Fred as too many Davids and Fred
was my middle name. Sept 27th 2012 ... Dorothy Bennett (nee Tame - my sister)
has organised access to the School Building on Newhampton Road. On 'Facebook' she says:-
I can now confirm that we are able to meet for a reunion in the old school building on
Sat 20th October 2012, from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Please come along if you can and
bring any memorabilia you have to jog our memories about the 'good old days'.
Also if you know of other ex-pupils from the 60's and 70's who are not on Facebook,
please pass on the message. There will be a collection to cover the cost of the caretaker
opening up (I think £1 each will be enough), any surplus will be donated to charity in memory
of friends sadly no longer with us. Please let me know if you can come. Thank you.
Sept 21st 2012
Mark Leadbetter has sent an advert for the Joe Loss Dance at the
Ramada Park Hall. It is a dinner dance to aid the 'Gelliwig' charity set up by Mr Thompson
and Mr Birch. He says he goes every year and it is pretty good, with the Joe Loss Orchestra
playing. If anyone is interested, the contacts are in the attachments. Here is
the link to the Hostel site which I think is well worth supporting. August 24th 2012 ... David Grain
(1960 Intake) recently found this page and was pleased to
note he was mentioned as one of Malcolm Costley's Cycle Ride pals (further down this page).
I have now put them in touch with each other and they are
planning a "Cycle riding" reunion. David remembers our Olympic Sprinter Ralph Banthorpe used
to try to teach him to play Guitar. Bill Griffiths, one of my Colleagues
from the 1959 Intake has recently moved to Minehead, and I am hoping to be
able to meet up with him there soon as I have other friends living there already
Feb 11th 2012 ...I have just received this email from Mike Hutchison,
if anyone remembers him and wished to contact him send an email to me and I'll forward it.
I have just come across David Delaney's message to you
published as June 2009. I am impressed beyond words at his recollection of all of the boys names from the
register in the 1962-1969 batch. Although when you reel them of like that all the names (and nicknames)
and some of the faces have come back. I have also identified my picture in the 1963 school photo.
I too remember clearly the freezing conditions on the rugby pitches in the centre of the racecourse
and the Welsh former International (I think) Mr. Jones who had a pretty unforgiving nature when it came
to any of us who were not as robust as David Alton.
Also memories of a mock election held also in 1963 as I recall.
And finally the race to be the champion "lines" collector, at which I did excel pretty well,
particularly via French, cant remember the teachers name.
I am now living In Harrogate, N. Yorkshire via Lowestoft (Suffolk), Houston (Texas) and Aberdeen.
Mike Hutchison
This reminded me, there are now complete lists of several years of pupils on a WMGS page on Facebook,
which currently has around 100 members.
Click here to visit November 26th 2011 .. A reunion of some old pupils
took place in the school hall today, organised by Dorothy Bennett (Tame).
I was there together with six others from the 1959 intake.
1959 intake, Mike Pagett, Mike Potter, Bill Griffiths, Dave McSorley, Phil Ward, Bob Tame Old pupils from various years Reminiscing on the balcony November 6th 2011 .. Mark Leadbetter sent the
following info:-
Hi Bob
Here is some info other old pupils may be interested in. It is a dinner dance
on 12 Nov at the Park Hall to aid the 'Gelliwig' charity set up by Mr Thompson
and Mr Birch. I go every year and it is pretty good, with the Joe Loss Orchestra
playing. If anyone is interested, the contacts are in the attachments. Here is
the link to the Hostel site which I think is well worth supporting. Dinner Dance link
Regards Mark Leadbetter, ex WMGS 07530 018850
November 4th 2011 .. Jayne Pearson (nee
Rushton) sent the following memory:-
I was caught throwing snowballs in the yard by a prefect - no idea of his
name we called him "little head" as he was tall with an extremely tiny head,
possibly in 1973, there were a couple of us but I can't remember who else this
I was given 100 lines:- "I must refrain from throwing snowballs in the
school yard as they may be grit laden hence causing injury to the recipient"
That was three lines a piece in a school book, when I handed them in he
told me that he had actually reduced it to 50. You may be interested but those
words oh those words..... September 24th 2011 .. Malcolm Costley has
send a rugby team photo which I have added to the Sports pictures page, it is
the Junior 15 from 1963-64. Malcolm has identified all but three of the players.
Here is his email:- Hi Bob
I was at the Muni from 61 to 68, your sister`s name rings a bell but I don`t
think she was ever in a form with me. My only claim to fame was playing the
title role in The Mikado in 1967 I still remember the two solos I had to sing.
It’s the last couple of days I have trouble with! (Last couple
of minutes in my case - Bob). My other love at school was cycling we used
to go on days out and weekends with Bill Whitehead the chemistry teacher. The
lads I remember most are John Newton, Guy Muhlemann,Victor Evans, and David
Grain. I recently managed to contact Bill Whitehead after more than 20 years and
had a day’s cycling with him he`s over 70 now but still very active mind I`m 62.
The Muni was Bill`s first job. Another pal of mine back then was Paul Latham who
I had not been in contact with since getting married in 1972, but the other
Saturday out of the blue he phoned me His mother had died at the age of 102 and
when he was clearing her things he found a box with names addresses and phone
numbers of friends from school so he phoned me on the off chance, what a
coincidence after nearly 40 years! I`m hoping to attend the reunion on November
26th, it would be great to go back inside the old place I often stare at it when
I drive down Newhampton Road. I trained as a pharmacist after leaving the Muni
and worked for Boots for 40 years I still do one day a week but have virtually
retired . Best wishes and regards Malcolm.
PS have you ever heard anything from the lads mentioned above I would love to
know if they still cycle it would be great to arrange a ride with Bill Whitehead
again. -- August 11th 2011 .. My Sister, Dorothy Bennett
(nee Tame), has arranged for a get together of old pupils from the 60's and 70's
at the school building in Newhampton Road. The date of this event is Saturday
26th November, 2011 between 2pm and 4pm. Partners are welcome as are items
of memorabilia/photos etc. that people may have. I will add more details as I
find them out or you can email me to express an interest in coming. The event is
advertised on Facebook's WMGS page for those who use facebook and a number of
pupils have indicated they will be attending. -- February 1st 2011 .. It is with great sadness that I
have to report the recent passing of Ian Hemsley, peacefully at home on
the 7th of January 2011, at the age of 62. Ian was a classmate and friend of mine from 1959 to
1964 (class 5B) when I left. Ian remained at the Muni until 1966 to take 'A'
levels. We shared a common interest in steam trains and spend many hours outside
school watching trains around Wolverhampton. Although I have not met Ian since
we left school we have kept in touch by email and on facebook and friends
reunited web sites, and he has kept me updated on WMGS pupils where he could. We
also shared an interest in Family History where we found that my mother and
Ian's father were born very close to each other on the Northumberland coast near
Blyth. I have sent my condolences to his family. >Bill Griffiths, one of our classmates
attended the funeral service and act of thanksgiving on January 31st and sent
this report: "After Bob had copied me in the sad
e-mail about Ian's passing I determined to ensure that I would be present at his
funeral. A few days in advance of yesterday's event Bob had told me the funeral
would be a private affair for family and very close friends only, but followed
by a memorial service at the Church of the Ascension in Wall Heath. I am now
retired so to get there for the 3pm service was no problem, since I needed only
to drive through the city from my home in the north of our great metropolis. The
church is positioned on a very busy junction and close to a school, but even
allowing for that I needed to park 500 metres further down the road. All of the
kerb areas were packed with parked cars and the approach to the front door of
the church was busy with people arriving for the service. As I approached the
church door I was asked for my name by a representative of the undertakers. The
church was absolutely packed to the rafters and when I announced I was friend
rather than family I was sent to the hall built on the side of the church. In
the hall I joined a further 20+ people and the service was relayed via the
church's PA system. If that many people come to say farewell to me I will be
gobsmacked!!! The service was full of love and recognition of Ian's many
talents, his love for knowledge, books and trivia but very especially that he
was a true anorak for "God's beloved railway", as he called it. It was at this
point that Bob received a mention of thanks for his note on the Muni website.
After the service I wanted to stay and try to see if any other of our past
colleagues was there but I was needed at my parish church in Coven to prepare
for another funeral later this week. I didn't have the chance to meet his family
but the level of love and affection in that place yesterday was sufficient to
care for all of us his old schoolmates who could not get there. Bill
Griffiths" Ian
Hemsley 1948-2011 Aug 4th 2010 .... Email from John Mills: Bob. I
have just discovered your site(s). Quite a lot of nostalgia. I joined the school
in 1959 from Warstones Infants School. I am the very small boy 6 in on the front
row (Sect 3 of the 'photo). The boy to the left of me is I think John Holland,
the other I cant recall. I left the school in 1965 (resits) and fully retired
this year after a long and fairly successful local government career.This
involved me moving about a fair bit so I havn't still got many wolves contacts.
I remember going to Fox's Lane scrap yard with Mick Brown getting bits for his
old MG's whilst I spotted locos on Stafford Road shed. Winter pe at Dunstall
Park still brings back chilling memories although I subsequently became a
competive club runner including cross country. One of the names on your pages is
Brian Bullock who, I think, was in my class. The references to teachers, Douell
of course, Nixon and Rachel Heyhoe, who taught me English. She used to tell us
jokes in class which I think were quite risque. It is difficult to believe it
all finished 45 years ago. The last 7years following redundancy from
Staffordshire Moorlands DC in 2003 (a new CE with whom I didn't get on !) has
been largely interim and consultancy work, including observing overseas election
missions, mostly in the former Yugoslavia. I live in the Staffordshire Moorlands
and am an active walker and occasional climber/caver. Other interests include
narrow boats and Land Rovers. Please feel free to put this on your site and I
would be glad to hear any reflections from people who remember me. Regards, John
Mills December 15th 2009 .... I remember today would have
been the 60th Birthday of Elaine Brindley, Elaine Hill as she was when at the
Muni, from 1961 to 1968, had she not died in 1998 at the early age of 49 after
contracting breast cancer. RIP Elaine, a good friend.
June 2009 .... I received an Email from David Delany,
who some of you may know, reproduced below: Hello Bob, I have to tell you how pleased I am to
have discovered your web pages today. You see, I am a railway enthusiast, my
father was in REMO, I went to the Muni and I love Llangrannog. I was at the Muni
from Sept 1962 (I think) until July 1969. Certainly I am in the 1963 photo on
your site, .....thats me, last on the right in the front row (the smallest boy
in the school). I have had a fabulous morning reading the comments about the
teachers I knew but have not thought about for years. I can still remember the
boy's half of our register: Allen, Alton, Beaseley, Bonner, Brittain, Clamp,
Dams, Darby, Delany, Gorman, Howell, Hutchisson, Morton, Rogers, Swain. I can't
remember many of the girls names sadly, although I recognize Gillian Horton (did
I really put a spare cows eye in her satchel during a biology practical or was
that another girl?). By the time of A levels, Christine Peters was in my class
and a great friend. Looking at the sports photos, I see Roger Williams in the
first fifteen, Roger is still in the area and has been my Dentist since he
qualified. Memories of freezing on the racecourse are a link to an interest in
railways, a few of us would scan the adjacent Oxley shed for anything
interesting noted during games so that we could go back later for a closer look.
May 2009....I will not now be organising an official
reunion for the 1959 year group as I have not had any contact from any other
members of the year group for quite a long while. I also have a number of other
committments and now live 200 miles away from Wolverhampton. If any of the 1959
intake ever visit Torbay and want to meet up then email me to see if we can
arrange a meeting. May 2009....I notice there is now a forum on the
official WMGS site where users can post articles, check it out if you are
interested. by
clicking here Feb 2009....Geoff Cook, my cousin who was at the
school from 1956-61 was in a local Pop Group, some details of his pop career are
to be found by clicking here May 2008....Ian Hemsley recently informed me that
Yvonne Miles ('A' stream when she was at Muni) has recently passed away. Yvonne
sent the picture of the Hockey team on my pictures page and was remembered in
reminiscences of Marie Lou Howes. April 2008....I have now left Northampton, where I
have lived for last 20 years and have retired to Paignton, South Devon.
Jan 2008....I have discovered there is now a facebook
group for the WMGS at Facebook. I have joined it but not
everyone will like facebook so I don't recommend joining unless you are
interested in Facebook. Nov 2007....Bill Griffiths has contacted me recently
to see if we can generate any interest in a reunion of the 1959 Intake.. please
contact me if you would be interested! I have about 30 contacts so far.
Nov 2007....Here's an email received recently from
Wendy (1957 Intake). Hi I've only just discovered the website! Whilst at
Muni I was Wendy Cashmore (or Aggie 4 eyes thanks to Trevor Creed, who'd carried
it over from St Luke's School. - Thanks Mate!) I now live in Wales and am shortly moving to
Crete. I well remember leaving at the end of year 4, when
Mr Douell, wrote on my report, "that I'd be lucky to get a job in Woolworths, if
I didn't come back to do O levels. Several years later I was introduced to him
at a teachers' meeting, when I was Head of Business Studies at Parkfield School.
He bought both Lynne Evans and I a drink and Tony Steele told us that was a
first! Best wishes to everyone. I'm joining OP assn so
that I can keep in touch. Wendy Rees (nee Cashmore) ----------------------------------- As this page is now growing and has been in
existence for a while I have moved some of the earlier material to an archive
page, which you can get to from the bottom of this section. June 2006: I did submit an article for the spring newsletter but
as usual I was too late, my personal view was they had enough material and
printed it three days early. Still, It might get into the Autumn
Newsletter. Also likely to make it into the Autumn Newsletter
will be some correspondence I have had from Clive Pearson, a pupil from 1945-1951, now a
retired consultant, living in Australia. He found my web site while doing a
search of the internet for DG Outlaw!! and he has added to my memories of the
teachers we all knew and loved (or did not get on with!) February 2006:
After sending the email below, Brian has very kindly
written to me with a few more names for the sports teams, some of which he was
in during his time at the school, You find them by clicking here or on the Sports pics button
above. Email received from Brian Bullock: Hi Bob, long time no see. Found your WMGS site the
other day, most interesting. I can certainly help out with additional names for
the Rugby and Cricket teams,It was really uncanny seeing all those ugly mugs
starring at me from a computer screen. I will keep this fairly short as I am not
a whizz kid with a key board. Was it really nearly 47 years ago since that Sept.
59 intake. I have a few items that may be of interest for the newsletter
relating to our intake. I now live in beautiful South Devon on the edge Dartmoor
National Park where I have business interests. I also commute between here and
Townsville in tropical North Queensland where my wife has a nursing post.
I have led, to put it mildly, a colourful and adventurous life, and may be
of interest to those who remember me. I am afraid that I was not one of the
academics of our intake. I think I spent most of my latter school years either
playing sport or in detention. However some 10 years later I did manage to end
up with 7 GCE O Levels. Anyway this one finger typing is taking me forever so I
will get back to you at a later date. Footnote Oct 2007: Brian advises me he is emigrating
to Australia soon. Best Wishes to yourself and anyone else out there who
remembers me. Regards Brian B. Formerly 1C,2C,3D,4D,5D.
Sept. 1959 to July 1964. August 2005: Keith Barnett (1957-62) was
wondering if anyone knew which WMGS ex-pupil lives the furthest away from
Wolverhampton. He'd like to nominate Michael Baker who lives near Palmerstone
North in the central area of the North Island in New Zealand. It would be
interesting to hear of any other ex-pupils living further away. Email to (Keith is in West Auckland [the New Zealand one not the
County Durham one] so he is one of the most faraway ex pupils. May 2005: After 40 years since we last met,
I met up with Haydn Jones for a meal and a chat. He is Director of Intellectual
Property for a company based near Towcester and lives near Reading. He lent me a
few old school magazines and photos, some of which may appear here at a future
date. April 2005: The AGM and annual luncheon was
held at Whittington Hotel on 17th April 2005 March 2005: We always require
short articles for the Newletter, relating to school, and request that ex
pupils put pen to paper and send their articles to Geoff
Welch. February 2005: I have learnt that the 1955
intake will be meeting up for a 50th anniversary celebration in the Major
Buckley Suite at Molineux on Saturday October 8th 2005. February 2005: I was rather confused when I
received my WMGSOPA newsletter today, to find an article in it that I wrote for
the Spring 2002 newsletter. I have no idea how it got into the current
newsletter as some of the information in there is now three years out of
date. December 3rd 2003. I meet up with John Bennett, a colleague
from my year at School, after 39 years. I recognised him as well! Realising we
lived within 10 miles of each other in Northants, we recently got in touch and
arranged to go out for an evening meal at a local hostelry where we reminisced
over old times. As well as being in the 'A' stream, John was very good at
sport when at School, and was in the school Cricket and Rugby Teams as well as
the school athletics team. As a result he has pictures of all these teams
which I have borrowed and added to the site. We cannot remember all the names
on the pictures, so help from pupils of our era will be appreciated in adding
names to faces. Ian
Hemsley has already supplied me with a number of the
names from the cricket teams. Thanks to Lynda Chugg (Lynda Roper when at
school) for passing me contact details for Gill Hartley - Gill is now in New Zealand!
I wanted to know because Gill's pictures are on the Teachers page and she was not aware of
this. She is now, as I have written to her and she has given me her permission
to keep them there. Thank you, Gillian. I have now found out Gillian's
mother lives about ten doors away from my mother in
Wolverhampton! 14th June 2003 - Memorabilia day and AGM at the
school, and I finally catch up with three other members of my year group.
Philip Smith, Bill Griffiths and David
McSorley all return to the school, and we are caught
on camera by my sister Dorothy. From L to R Philip Smith, Bill Griffiths,Bob Tame, David
McSorley. Quite a large number of Ex-Pupils have now
registered at the web site: www.friendsreunited.co.uk. Why not pay
it a visit. (Don't forget to come back) Do you remember the School Musical Productions
- See HMS Pinafore below. A number of pupils
also played in the inter-schools orchestra and a picture (1972) may follow
later. My Sister was involved with one or two of the G&S productions and
is now a member of her local G&S society in Warrington.
My Memories of the Teachers (with help
from classmates and other pupils) School Prospectus and Rules (supplied by John Bennett - 1959 intake) - Note this is the
unedited 1959 prospectus. 1963
Picture - Click on a segment for a larger image If you are not on that picture
click here for a look somewhere else. I was a pupil at WMGS (The Muni) from 1959 (1C)
to 1964.(5B). My three sisters were also there as follows:-
Rosemary Tame 1961-68, Dorothy
Tame 1968-75 and Mary Tame 1972-77. When I joined the Old Pupils Association, I was
told that I was one of the younger members. This still appears to be the case,
although more younger ex-pupils have been showing an interest recently, Why not
consider joining if you are not already a member? . Membership costs only £8 per year.
Members of the Old Pupils Association receive 2
newsletters a year. They are also invited to gather for monthly
coffee mornings, 10:30 to 12:00 at Quality (Goldthorn) Hotel on first Monday
of the month, They usually have an annual re-union and
year groups have also had re-unions, 1949, 1955 and 1957 intake are three I am
aware of. Last year's reunion took the form of a luncheon after the AGM in
July, and also a Christmas dinner. Application form to join the WMGS Old
Pupils Association If you were at the Muni when I was, then I'd
like to hear from you. Please email me at Bob If you have any old photos that you would like
to see on this page, please scan them in and email them to above address.
I maintain this site in my personal webspace as
a hobby. If you want to find out more about me then please visit my Homepage
1964 Production of "HMS Pinafore" (Photo supplied by Roger
King) Howard Bampfield send a story about a funny
incident during a performance of this production, (Or was it during Pirates of
Penzance?) see my Memories page.
There is a photo of the school on the site at the
end of this link, Click here to see it. Click on the link to read some more
Memories of the Muni from Myself and
others. My last School report - Click on
it to read it. If names do not match faces, remember it was 43
years ago when I left! Most of the
Boys Where are they now?
Do you
know? The Girls (I can't remember
all the girls) Where are they
now? Tony Blake Sadly 'Ant' as he was generally called at School
passed away in August 2012 in Leicestershire Mike Body W'ton Denby (I don't know which Denby, I'm hoping
to find out soon) Bill Griffiths Minehead, Somerset David Gough Bridgnorth Ian Hemsley Ian sadly passed away on Jan 7th
2011. Alan Jones Berkeley, Gloucestershire Haydn Jones Reading, Berkshire David McSorley Barry Philips Mike Potter Phil Smith Phil Ward Susan Forrester Valerie Turner Glennis January I also have the full list for Class 5A
in 1964 supplied by Gloria Roome (nee Powell) and on
that page I have started to add any other names that anyone recalls from the
other classes in our year. Famous ex-muni people:(Very short list at
present) Ralph Banthorpe (at School circa 1960
to 66) reached the semi finals of the 200 metres at the 1968 Olympic Games in
Mexico. (Now a dentist in Shropshire I
think) Rachael Heyhoe Flint (Games mistress around 1963) was an England Ladies Cricket Captain
and a Wolves F.C. Director. Sadly Rachael passed away in January 2017. Frances Barber (nee.Brookes) - actress
(Article in Autumn 2001 Newsletter) Helen Roberts (1961 intake) - actress, who died in 2014.
Lesley Roberts - Has been a singer with the Joe Loss band - her stage name is
Vivi Caan
Send me any others you know !!
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Appeal from Janet Wilkinson (Nee
Jones) on behalf of the Old Pupils Association.
I was very pleased this morning to get a
phone call from Lou Crow (Marie Louise Howes when she was at school). She is
really pleased to have re-established contact with Kathryn Jones, as a result of the advert I
put on this site and they are planning to meet up later this year.
It was agreed that if there was
enough interest, a further reunion should be held in 2005. A proposed date of
October 1st 2005 has been suggested, so If you were in the 1959 intake (Taking
'O' levels in 1964 and 'A 'levels in 1966) please keep this day free.
Anyone who wants to help organise this should contact me.
Update Nov 2004 - If there is a second reunion of the year
group on Oct 1st 2005 I will unfortunately not be able to attend - Despite all
my efforts to keep the day clear, my eldest daughter has decided to get
married that day and wants me to give her away. I think rushing off to
Wolverhampton after the event may not be an option!!
John Williams (1960 -
1967) sent me some names for some of the sports pictures and a few more
teachers names. John also tells me his twin brother David was at the school from 1960-65.
The proposed date was June 19th from 1pm onwards
and the location was the Great Western Pub, near the junction of Sun Street,
Bailey Street and Corn Hill in W'ton. The venue was handy for both railway and
bus stations for anyone who wanted to avoid driving. The pub has won several
CAMRA awards and has bar snacks and Sandwiches available. Mike Body and Phil did a dry
run (in a pub?), and decided the venue was suitable. Unfortunately I couldn't
make this event so I am hoping it can be repeated at some time. If you need
any more details email
me and I'll pass it on to Phil.
Haydn sent me a few memories - the fog being so thick that it got in the
hall and caused the trolley buses to stop running at 3.00pm, having to walk
home to Penn as a result. He remembers the old bus we used to go to
Dunstall park for games and being soaking wet when we got back on it to come
back to school, (I think we all remember those buses!) Haydn was also involved
with Iolanthe, Pirates of Penzance etc... I'll try to fit them in this site
somewhere at a later date.
About Me, and the Old Pupils
I was in 'Drake' House (is that why I now play bowls?)
(1959 intake) (if you can help with more
names from the 1959 intake please email me)
Brenda Allerton
Jennifer Annely
Pru Bishton
Stephanie Collins
Ian Gutridge
Carol Croyden
Louise ??
Ruth Davies
Lyn James
Near Cannock.
Gail Pritchard
Left at earliest opportunity to join the
Army, could be anywhere, was a good friend at School.
Lesley Simmonds
Mold, Clwyd, Wales
Nantwich, Cheshire
Gloria Tomlinson
Beverley, Yorkshire. Sadly Phil passed away earlier this year (2017)
Lesley Watkins
Marldon, nr Paignton, South Devon.
Mary Whittaker
Now near Penzance in Cornwall, previously in
Anita Maiden
I'm sure
there was
one more boy !!
Josie Forrest
Josie is possiby in
Walsall, Susan is now Susan Harris living in Codsall, Glennis has recently joined the facebook group
we're stretching things a bit with:
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